Thursday, 17 January 2008

When The Ship Sinks We Stick Together

Radio Protector is back. Again. We seem to be incapable of keeping this blog running due to social commitments and apathy. Still, i'm giving it another shot due to the fact this place is still racking up page views without any updates. Means some people are finding it and hopefully enjoying it, which is why it was started in the first place!

For our first entry back i've decided to go with something new and probably little heard - My OK Hotel. Hailing from Kildare in Ireland (lovely place, i've been. Well i think i have. If it's not where i think it is, then it probably isn't very nice at all.) My OK Hotel play a relaxing blend of indie rock which does ever so well to stay firmly planted on the credible side of the fence.

Think Four Day Hombre with Gary Lightbody on vocals, and you're halfway there to imagining how they sound. Their myspace lists influences such as The Reindeer Section, The Postal Service, Modest Mouse, Grandaddy, and Broken Social Scene. Normally i would only use my own examples of what a band sounds alike to, but in this case the band very clearly know who they are and what their sound is. How refreshing that is.

Having been picked for Oxegen Festival 2007 in Ireland as one of the two local bands, My OK Hotel are definately a band for the future if they can carve out a niche in what they do. On the strength of the four tracks i've heard so far, they certainly stand a great chance of doing so.

(Standard "we're doing a promo shot, where do we look?" pose.)

Their wonderful four track EP is hosted for free download on their website, so i can feel utterly guiltless in offering you them for your listening pleasure. Tracks are just Right Click And Save, nice and simple. Hope you enjoy!

When The Ship Sinks We Stick Together EP

1 - Too Bright
2 - Man On Ambulance
3 - When The Ship Sinks We Stick Together
4 - People And Trains

You get check out further information about My Ok Hotel via the following links...

Official Website


Simon x

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