You know who Jennifer Paige is? Here she is, on a swing-

[Jennifer Paige- about to crush some stupid-haired guy]
EVERYONE knows this song, but you might not have it to hand- I didn't until a friend chanced upon it while scouring the net for cheesy pop classics- so here it is for everyone's enjoyment.
Jennifer Paige- Crush
This time it's The Dismemberment Plan dishing it up. Yeah, they were the band I covered in my FIRST EVER RP post-
[The Dismemberment Plan- about to be crushed]
The D-Plan substitute their polyrhythmic anthemic approach for something more sedate. MUCH more sedate. The previously chirpy tempo is racked over three hundred and seventy-four seconds, mostly just Travis Morrison's vocal accompanied by a bone-dry electric guitar.
I've noticed a lot of covers- let's leave aside the desperate eye-gouging-inducing pub-rock strumathons- either rock up a quiet song or hush down a loud song.
I'm trying to pick covers that do much more than that, where the performer(s) digest(s) the original song and spits it back up rearranged and with something new and different and most of all EXCITING.
It's the creepy as hell synth noises that make this track for me.
Dismemberment Plan- Crush
Official D-Plan site
Previous D-Plan blog (+ tunes) on RP
Official Jennifer Paige site
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